Which Chemical Exfoliation to use - | Polokwane's most visited Spa

How do I know which one to use

With Natural Living Spa you can trust only the best care and treatment will be provided for your face, our highly skilled beauticians recommend that if you want to improve mild areas of discolouration and ultimately walk away with an improved and refreshed skin tone, that you try Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs).

Furthermore, if you are looking to unclog your skin pores or if you want to get rid of the oiliness or acne-prone skin areas that you use a Beta hydroxy acid (BHAs).

If you have highly sensitive skin, a less intrusive PHA exfoliant may be the best route to go down. A Bonus tip from our team is that we recommend you start off by applying whichever chemical you choose once a week to first see how your skin reacts, increasing the amount that’s applied over some time.

Don’t let it get under your skin

Different skin types will benefit more or less from certain chemicals. The key is to know what your skin concern is to be well on your way to finding the right hydroxy acid that works best for your skin. Below we will discuss various skin types and your options, read on further to find out more.

Dry and sensitive skin?

If you have dry skin, opt for an AHA. As they only work on the skin’s surface, they’ll help it cling onto moisture. This Exfoliation Facial Scrub 50ml comes highly rated. On the other hand, if your skin is sensitive you might want to try BHAs, they will soothe and calm your irritated skin and are ideal for people who experience redness.

If you have combination skin

When your skin is oily and dry at the same time you require the best of both worlds. Go for a serum containing salicylic acid for an anti-inflammatory exfoliating effect.

If you have mature skin

AHAs can help diminish the signs of ageing by targeting fine lines and deeper wrinkles. They can also deal with roughness, leaving your skin glowing.

If you have Hyperpigmentation or scarring

To reduce the visibility of dark marks and scars, we recommend that you use a BHA like salicylic acid that can encourage skin cell turnover or a strong AHA formula. This MESO Therapy Pigmentation Treatment helps reduce age spots, discolouration and sun blemishes. This treatment is a very effective and pioneering new treatment for hyperpigmentation.

Can I use more than one type of chemical exfoliant at a time?

This is a question that we’re all too familiar with. The simple answer is yes, but you probably don’t need to. The average person only requires one acid to get the job done, however, if you do decide to use more than one chemical exfoliator, then we suggest speaking to a professional before taking up treatment.

But if your skin could benefit from a little extra help, there are a few rules to stick to:

Combining PHAs with AHAs or BHAs is generally acceptable. It’s also possible to mix AHAs and BHAs but stick to a more gentle AHA, such as lactic acid. Test the combination on your skin before going full steam ahead. Try it once a week and use gentle cleansers and moisturizers alongside to keep skin well hydrated. If you’re mixing acids, we suggest using the thinnest texture first.