The importance of good skincare - | Polokwane's most visited Spa

The importance of good skincare

Very few women know that a good skincare routine is only as good as your products. It’s no secret that poor quality skin care products often lead to more skin problems as it lacks healthy, beneficial nutrients. Below we cover why skincare is essential, and we provide some insightful tips on how you can look after your skin during the next few months.

It helps your skin stay in good condition

An effective routine can prevent unwanted skin breakouts, acne or wrinkles. Throughout each day, you shed skin cells, so it’s essential to adopt good skincare habits that will keep your skin glowing, no matter the season.

You’ll look younger.

With age, your skin cells rejuvenate at a slower pace, making it seem dull or blemished. Using quality skin care products helps remove dead skin cells so that your body can naturally replace them with more youthful-looking cells.

Prevention is better than cure.

It’s far easier to prevent skin breakouts than to repair them. A skincare routine is necessary to avoid any skin irritations or future problems. Booking a monthly facial is a great way to ensure you prevent any skin problems in the future.

It gives you a self-confidence boost.

Let’s face it. Everyone wants to look better, younger and more radiant. Healthy skin will give you all the confidence in the world, and you will feel better than ever.

Skincare essentials

An effective skincare routine consists of the following essential components:


We recommend using your exfoliator before your moisturiser and after your cleanser. Apply this maximum once or twice a week, not every day. Keep a close eye on your skin and how it handles your exfoliator. If it leaves rash marks or irritates your skin, you should consider a different brand.


A toner is typically used after you have washed your face. It helps restore healthy nutrients and provides you with smooth skin.


Gently wash your face with a cleanser to get rid of excessive skin oil and grime. If you have naturally dry skin, we recommend using an alcohol-free cleanser. If you have oily skin, we recommend avoiding oily cleaners. Rinse your skin with warm water when you’re done applying your cleanser.


As you probably know, the sun can cause a lot of skin damage, so you must protect your skin with sunscreen. We recommend choosing a sunscreen with a broad spectrum of protection and an SPF of at least 30.


This should be used after every face wash, even with oily skin. The nice thing about moisturisers is that they create a barrier between your skin and the climate. It also rehydrates the skin and enhances the skin’s water-bearing capacity.

Benefits of quality skincare products

There are several benefits to good skincare products:
1. It dramatically improves your skin’s appearance and texture, giving you that sought after youthful appearance. The quality of the ingredients plays a vital role in its impact on your skin, just like healthy food has on the body.

2. It protects from environmental damage, such as the sun’s effect on your skin.

3. Quality skin care products help fight the signs of ageing.

4. Even though quality products cost more, the ingredients are more refined, making them super effective.