Facials available at Natural Living Spa Archives

Facials available at Natural Living Spa

People decide to have facials for various reasons. For some, it’s to eliminate blackheads; others use it as a means of preserving a youthful complexion. Some find it helpful in combating anti-ageing, while others find it relaxing and rejuvenating.
When looking through the list of facials offered at Polokwane’s most visited spa – Natural Living Spa and Wellness Centre, it can be pretty overwhelming to try and decide which one is best suited for your skin. You shouldn’t be too bothered about this, though. Our aestheticians can recommend the best choice for your individual skin type.

General Facials

One of our most popular facial treatments is the 30-minute Matsimela Aloe Facial. This feel-good facial is especially for teens and utilises the fantastic powers of the Aloe Vera plant. The ingredients of Aloe are used to balance your skin’s moisture levels and are suitable for all skin types. Perfect for a quick spa treatment which will also relieve some much-needed stress.

Anti-ageing facial treatments

The 75-minute DNA EPINEW anti-ageing treatment completely rejuvenates your skin and relaxes unwanted lines, including wrinkles. This anti-ageing facial transforms your skin to make it smooth and firm. It also reduces the depth of your wrinkles and leaves your skin moisturised and refreshed.

Deep cleaning facials

ESSEL amazon deep cleansing facial

This 60-minute treatment is best for decongesting your pores, reducing oil on the skin and removing any skin impurities. We use a natural product that contains mineral salts that detoxify your skin’s surface. Leaving you with a clean and clear complexion. After your treatment, you will feel rejuvenated and well relaxed.

!QMS Deep Cleansing Intense Facial Treatment

Another deep cleaning facial that we offer is amazing !QMS deep cleaning facial. This treatment focuses on removing skin impurities, helps detoxify your skin and restores the natural balance in your skin. Excessive oil is also extracted to leave your skin fully nourished and visibly invigorated.

Signature facial treatments

Essel Signature Treatment

This 75-minute signature Essel treatment relieves skin by hydrating it and gives it a fantastic boost. This results in smoother and tighter skin that radiates beauty. Book your treatment and enjoy a relaxing day at our spa.

Chocolate Facial Treatment

This feel-good facial contains excellent antioxidants, which your skin desperately needs. Chocolate is known to have anti-ageing properties and can even increase your body’s collagen production. Melt away your worries and give your skin a healthy glow. Book your treatment today.

!QMS Collagen Rejuvenation Facial Treatment

If your skin needs a collagen boost, this 90-minute rejuvenation treatment from !QMS is just what you need. It contains plenty of anti-ageing properties to revitalise and refresh your skin. This treatment increases and restores the moisture levels in your skin, leaving you glowing once it is done.