Chemical Exfoliation

Chemical Exfoliation

The Ancient Egyptians and Greeks discovered countless benefits of exfoliation centuries ago

Our quest for beautiful, healthy looking and rejuvenated skin is as old as time itself. Ancient civilizations and cultures used numerous elements within their reach such as alabaster, oils and salt in their pursuit for flawless skin.

Your skin cells typically regenerate every month, however, elements such as too much sun exposure or the unavoidable ageing process can slow down the skin regeneration process. That’s why you need a proper exfoliation every once in a while, to aid in combating the physical signs of ageing.

Getting a professional beautician to apply and treat your skin with a chemical exfoliation will unquestionably leave you comfortable in your own skin, confident and reinvigorated. Exfoliation helps remove dead cell build up for smoother, more youthful-looking skin and will stimulate new cell growth.

The best part is, it’s never too late to start adding the exfoliating steps into your beauty routine! Did you know that there are mainly two types of exfoliations? Specifically, physical exfoliation and chemical exfoliation. The chemical form consists of a range of different chemicals and acids and has become increasingly popular in recent years.

A physical exfoliate uses an ingredient, or an apparatus, that physically scrubs old, dead cells from the surface of your skin. Normally, the ingredients used are ground down natural products such as stones, plants and plant extracts, the natural ingredients used in physical exfoliations might vary from spa to spa but will always remain natural and chemical-free.

But there’s still some confusion over what it actually is and which acids are best to use on different skin types. So we thought it wise to de-mystify the subject in this blog post. Keep reading to see what treatments and product we suggest getting from Polokwane’s leading bushveld inspired spa.