Celebrate the Matriarchs - | Polokwane's most visited Spa

In less than a month, we celebrate the matriarchs, the moms, mothers and spouses who make life worth living

On the 8th of May, we celebrate them on mother’s day

Since ancient times, symbols referring to motherhood have been used, and it carries a deep and fascinating significance. When it comes to being a mom, society often forgets what it takes to raise children. Not only do they have to raise tiny humans, but they also have a household to look after.

So we take one day out of the year to show them how much we value them and how much we need them. Moms are the glue to every household, and without them, we are lost.

Treating your mom, spouse or grandmother to a relaxing day at the spa is an excellent way to show someone you love them. Treating her to a spa day is so much more than getting her a spa treatment.

Ultimately you are giving her some “me time” where she can relax and rejuvenate in peace and on her own time. At Natural Living Spa, we take care of all the overworked, stressed out moms that need a break.

This mother’s day is no exception. If you are still unsure what to get mom for mother’s day, you might find a treatment in this blog post that she would undoubtedly love. Keep reading for some needed mother’s day spa treatments inspiration.

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