Benefits of getting regular facials - | Polokwane's most visited Spa

Benefits of getting regular facials

Today’s facial treatments are an investment in your skin, beauty, and overall well-being. It’s no secret that by looking good, you also feel good. Seeing as though the skin is the largest organ in the body, we need to protect and look after it at all costs. Regular facials can help slow down the ageing process by stimulating circulation, flushing toxins, moisturising and improving collagen production in the skin.

Here are some of the other benefits of regular facials:

Relieves stress

When specific pressure points in the facial muscles are pressed, it activates the nervous system, which reduces anxiety and stress.

Deep cleaning

Face-cleansing facials remove dead skin from the skin by cleaning the pores and exfoliating the skin.

It rejuvenates the skin

One of the most critical factors determining beauty has been clear, radiant, and firm skin throughout history. Unlike in the past when only the wealthy could afford beauty products, today, these products are more affordable. Regular facials firms up the skin and treats elements such as wrinkles, acne and skin laxity.

Prevents ageing

As you get older, your body starts to show signs of ageing. Regular facials boost cell regeneration and improve collagen production. All which naturally slows down as you age.

Improves blood circulation

Several studies have shown that facials improve blood circulation in the face, which means your cells get lots of nutrients and oxygen. This boost is what translates to a glowing complexion.

Signature Natural Living Spa facials and treatments

DNA EPINEW Anti-Aging Treatment

This treatment rejuvenates your skin and helps to relax any lines or wrinkles in the face. The anti-ageing facial will firm and smooth your skin, reducing wrinkle depth. After receiving the 75min treatment, your skin will be well-moisturised and feel refreshed.

Matsimela Aloe Facial

This feel-good facial for teens utilise the fantastic properties of the Aloe Vera plant. The treatment helps balance the skin’s natural moisture levels and is excellent for those with irritated or dry skin.

ESSEL Amazon Deep cleansing Facial

This deep cleansing facial takes care of decongesting facial pores, reducing oil on the skin and lifting all skin impurities. The natural product used in this deep cleansing facial is abundant in mineral salts, which helps cleanse the skin’s surface. Revealing a clean and clear complexion on the completion of the treatment.

Chocolate Facial Treatment

This feel-good facial contains excellent antioxidants, which your skin needs to correct visible damage and reduce skin inflammation. Besides, chocolate is known to have anti-ageing properties and can even boost collagen production. Melt away your worries and give your skin a healthy glow with this chocolate facial.

!QMS Sensitive Skin Repair Facial

This treatment is best suited for sensitive and problematic skin types. It helps relieve inflammation and clears any skin impurities. The treatment will improve smoothness and elasticity and fight the signs of ageing so that you leave with healthier and more radiant-looking skin.

!QMS Deep Pore Cleanse Facial

Another favourite is the deep pore cleansing facial. This treatment helps to deep cleanse and improve your general skin condition. All impurities are gently removed, helping to detoxify, restore and rebalance the skin, providing a healthy complexion. It also rehydrates your skin and reduces excess oiliness. Afterwards, your skin will be well-nourished and visibly reinvigorated.

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