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Natural Living Pedicures & Manicures

Nailed It!

Fungal infections, ingrown toenails, the spread of bacteria…
these are all potential consequences of poor nail care.
But we’re all aware of how important it is to take good care of our nails.

However, what you don’t know about your nails could surprise you. For instance, ridges, discolouration, and brittle nails are not only signs of unhealthy nails. They could also point to general underlying health problems including anemia, malnutrition, and even heart disease.

And when we talk about nail care, we’re not just talking about a decent manicure either. Something as simple as keeping your hands clean goes a long way. In the case of longer nails, the spread of germs and bacteria is more likely.

This means that regular washing with soap and scrubbing under the nails with a nail brush promotes a healthy living environment. Therefore, it can be seen that beautifully strong and healthy nails go way beyond the cosmetic.

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Nail care is Essential


Manicures, Pedicures, Nails, Oh My!

A manicure is a beauty treatment for fingernails (including hands) and a pedicure is the same for feet (including lower legs).

The main purpose of each of these treatments is to improve personal care. For example, proper shaping and filing of nails, along with the treatment of the area around the nail promotes healthy nail growth, flexibility, and strength.

With pedicures, they help to prevent ingrown toenails as well as the build-up of dead cells. So although we may get caught up in the glorious relaxation of it all, the process has health benefits as well.

The power of hand and feet treatments

The products used during cleansing and massage keeps your skin looking and feeling its best. As a result, you are left with a reduced appearance of ageing and wrinkles, eradication of dead cells, prevention of callouses, and also smooth, even skin tone.

And getting back to the massage, it does wonders for circulation too. Improved blood flow helps to reduce pain and increases your body’s ability to distribute heat during winter months.

Another advantage to manicures and pedicures is the early detection and prevention of fungal infections. Although these infections may take weeks to become visible, a professional is able to identify problems in their early stages.

Lengths and Applications

When getting a manicure you’re spoilt for choice. This is because there is a variety of options suited to your lifestyle, taste, and budget. However, the main players in the manicure game are Gel, Acrylic, and Silk. Below we’ll take a closer look at what they are and how they differ. In this way, you’ll have the information you need to make the best choice.

For starters, acrylic and gel treatments involve an application placed over your own nail. So in short, they’re artificial nails that can be used to add length or change the shape of your existing nails.

With acrylic treatments, a liquid and powder mixture forms a doughy substance that is then applied to your nail. This mixture is allowed to air dry, and forms a hard, protective layer over your nail. The biggest benefit of acrylics is their robust nature. There’s no worrying about cracks or breaks once these babies are dry.

Gel nails are gaining traction in salons around the world to take on acrylics in the popularity game. With these, tips are first applied to give the desired length and shape to the nail. Thereafter, three layers of gel polish are added. There is a period of ‘setting’ required between each layer, where the nails are placed under UV light.

Comparisons between gel and acrylic mostly come down to personal preference. However, considering that acrylics need to air dry, gel nails are much quicker to apply. When it comes to the finish, gel nails might have a more natural, glossy look. But acrylics win out with their strength, which means they last longer.

Moving on, we get to silk wraps. This process involves applying a layer of silk to each nail. These wraps are much thinner than acrylics, so they feel more comfortable and natural. What’s more, the silk bonds firmly to your natural nail. Therefore, they strengthen weak nails and help to repair cracked and torn nails – much like a band-aid.

Treat Yourself

At Natural Living Spa & Wellness Centre we are experts in nail care. Our consultants are well-versed in the various treatments, using only the highest quality products and application techniques. As a result, we guarantee the best experience for our clients no matter their choice in treatment.

Gel, acrylic, or silk – we’ve got you covered. Not only that, but we also offer removals for when you’re ready to refresh your old treatment.

Also, knowing the health benefits of manicures and pedicures means you shouldn’t put off making that booking. Now setting aside the budget for a mani/pedi will be so much easier because it’s for health reasons (wink, wink).

So if you’re considering a nail treatment, but are undecided about what to go for, take some time to look at what we have to offer. From refills and nail art, to full sets and overlays – you’re guaranteed to find just the right nail treatment for you.


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